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Sketched Worldsa variety of

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Fabrice SchombergFabrice Schomberg
various writersvarious writers

by Fabrice Schomberg

A clan of competitive people

 met a clan who were not. The former said to the latter, “Our men are stronger than your men.”

  “Good for you,” answered the clan who did not know what competition actually was.

  ”Yes, our men are so strong they can even walk into walls,” claimed the competitive clan. “Look!” and they lined up their men to walk into walls which they did, one after the other.

  The clan that had never competed did not know how to handle this challenge, so they said, “Well, in our clan, not only can the men do that, but so can the women!” And since then, at times, both men and women

walk into walls.

edited by Janet Cartlidge, copyright © 2011 Fabrice Schomberg

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